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Reference: M.G. Petrushevskaya, 1967. Issled. fauny morei 4 (12). In A.P. Andriyashev & P.V. Ushakov (eds.), Resultaty biol. issled. Sovetskoi Antarkticheskoi Ekspeditsii (1950-1958) 3
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Petrushevskaya, M.G. 1967. Radiolarii otryadov Spumellaria i Nassellaria Antarkticheskoi oblasti (po materialam Sovetskoi Antarkticheskoi ekspeditsii). Issled. fauny morei 4 (12). In A.P. Andriyashev & P.V. Ushakov (eds.), Resultaty biol. issled. Sovetskoi Antarkticheskoi Ekspeditsii (1950-1958) 3: 5-186.

New: Subsequent generic combination (orig. spell.)

Cromyechinus antarctica (Species) (Dreyer, 1888)Page: 25.


Translated publication: Petrushevskaya, M.G. 1968. Radiolaria of the orders Spumellaria and Nassellaria of the Antarctic Region (based on materials from the Soviet Antarctic Expedition). Biological Reports of the Soviet Antarctic Expedition, 1955-1958 3.
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Last updated: 1 Feb 2024