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Reference: Zoologicheskii Zhurnal ["Зоологический журнал"]
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1916-present. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal ["Зоологический журнал"].


  1. Grusov, E.N., 1957. A new endoparasitic mollusk - Molpadicola orientalis, gen. n. sp. n. (family Paedophoropodidae): 852-863.
  2. Feider, Z., 1959. New proposals on the classification of mites from the group Trombidia: 537-549.
  3. Milejkovskij, S.A., 1961. On the Morphology and Taxonomy of Polychaetes of the Family Chrysopetalidae E. Ehlers, 1864 (Genera Paleanotus L. Schmarda, 1861, Heteropale, H P Johnson, 1897, and Others): 648-659.
  4. Schornikov, E.I., 1969. A new family of Ostracoda from the supralittoral zone of Kuril Islands: 494-498.
  5. Naidenova, N.N. & Zaika, V.E., 1970. Three new genera of Myxosporidia-fish parasites from the Indian Ocean.: 451-454.
  6. Zevina, G.B., 1978. A new classification of the family Scalpellidae Pilsbry (Cirripedia,Thoracica). 1. Subfamilies Lithotryinae, Calanticinae, Pollicipinae, Scalpellinae, Brochiinae and Scalpellopsinae: 998-1005.
  7. Zevina, G.B., 1978. A new classification of the family Scalpellidae Pilsbry (Cirripedia,Thoracica). 2. Subfamilies Arcoscalpellinae and Meroscalpellinae: 1343-1352.
  8. Malakhov, V.V., 1980. 485-499.
  9. Ivanov, D.L., 1981. Caudofoveatus tetradens gen. et sp. n. and diagnosis of taxa in the subclass Caudofoveata (Mollusca, Aplacophora).: 18-28.
  10. Malakhov, V.V., Ryzhikov, K.M. & Sonin, M.D., 1982. System of the major nematode taxa: subclasses, orders, suborders ["Система крупных таксонов нематод: подклассы, отряды, подотряды"]: 1125-1134.
  11. Chistikov, S.D., 1983. Modern molluscs of the family Entalinidae (Scaphopoda, Gadilida). 4. Subfamily Bathoxiphinae: 181-190.
  12. Старобогатов, Я.И. & Затравкин, М.Н. / Starobogatov, Ya.I. & Zatravkin, M.N., 1985. On the system of Valvatidae (Gastropoda, Pectinibranchia) from the south of the Soviet Far East: 1154-1161.
  13. Goodkov, A.V., 1988. Korotnevella nom. n. (Gymnamoebia, Paramoebidae) - a new generic name for Mayorella-like amoebae with cell surface bearing scales.: 1728-1730.
  14. Belova, L.M., 1991. Blastocystis anatis sp. n. (Rhizopoda, Lobosea) from Anas platyrhynchos: 5-10.
  15. Smirnov, A.V. & Goodkov, A.V., 1993. Paradermamoeba valamo n. g, n. sp. (Gymnamoebia, Thecamoebidae) - freshwater amoeba from the bottom sediments: 5-11.
  16. Temereva, E.N., 2000. New phoronid species Phoronopsis malakhovi (Lophophorata, Phoronida) from the south China Sea: 1088-1093.
  17. Gromov, B.V., 2000. Algal Parasites of the Genera Aphelidium, Amoeboaphelidium, and Pseudaphelidium from the Cienkovski's "Monadinea" Group as Representatives of a New Class: 517-525.
  18. Mikhalevich, V.I., 2008. New Subfamilies of the Suborder Miliolina (Foraminifera): 1283-1288.
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Last updated: 1 Feb 2024