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Reference: J. Sowerby, 1812-1846
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Multi-volume work

Sowerby, J. 1812-1846. The Mineral Conchology of Great Britain; or Coloured Figures and Descriptions of those Remains of Testaceous Animals or Shells, which have been preserved at various times and depths in the Earth. Benjamin Meredith, London.


Source for the date of effective publication: E.V. Coan & A.R. Kabat, 2021: 109-111.


  1. Sowerby, J., 1812. [Vol. I]: [i]-vii, 9-234, index (10 pp.), pls. 1-102.
  2. Sowerby, J., 1818. Vol. II: 1-251, pls. 103-203.
  3. Sowerby, J., 1821. Vol. III: 1-194, pls. 204-306.
  4. Sowerby, J., 1823. Vol. IV: 1-160, pls. 307-407.
  5. Sowerby, J.D.C., 1825. Vol. V: 1-168, pls. 408-503, index (2 pp.), errata (1 p.).
  6. Sowerby, J.D.C., 1829. Vol. VI: index (4 pp.), errata (1 p.), 1-230, pls. 504-609.
  7. Sowerby, J. de C., 1834. Systematical, Stratigraphical, and Alphabetical Indexes to the First Six Volumes of the Mineral Conchology of Great Britain, (Jul 1835): preface (2 pp.), [241]-250, [1]-11, [1]-10, 1-80, pls. 610-648.
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Last updated: 1 Feb 2024