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Taxon: Genus "Macrochisma" Gray, 1840, orth. inval. (mollusc)


SN2000 author citation Gray, 1840, orth. null.
Original name & rank Sowerby [I], G.B. 1835. A Catalogue of the Recent Species of Fissurella. In G.B. Sowerby Jr., Conchological Illustrations (80), 30 Jun 1835: 5 (no. 45: "Gray"). [pro syn.].
Subsequent spelling Gray, J.E. 1840. Syn. Cont. Brit. Mus. (ed. 42): 147.
Subsequent publication Gray, 1840. Syn. Cont. Brit. Mus. (ed. 42 [revised]): 151.


Nomen nudum (nom. nud.) [ICZN, 1999: Arts. 12 [before 1931], 13 [after 1930], G] Ref: S.A. Neave (ed.), [2005]. Nomencl. Zool.: [19 Dec 2008] ("Gray 1840", "[n.n.]").
Incorrect subsequent spelling (orth. inval.: "orth. null.") [ICZN] Ref: WoRMS, [22 Jun 2021] ("misspelling").


Nominotypical taxon [ICZN]Macrochisma (Subgenus) Gray, 1840, orth. inval. Ref: V.G. Millard, 1997: 22. [inferred]


Different spellingMacerochisma (Genus) Paetel, 1875 Ref: S.A. Neave (ed.), [2005]: [19 Dec 2008].
Different spellingMacroschisina (Genus) Sykes, 1895 Ref: S.A. Neave (ed.), [2005]: [19 Dec 2008].
Correct spellingMacroschisma (Genus) Sowerby, 1835 Ref: L. Agassiz, 1846[1847]: 220. [new]
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Last updated: 1 Feb 2024