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Taxon: Genus Triforis Deshayes, 1834 (mollusc)


SN2000 author citation G.-P. Deshayes, 1824[1834], nom. van. praeval.
Unavailable original name & rank Deshayes, 1824. Soc. Hist. Nat. Paris. [Triphoris, nom. ined. (fossil, Valmondois)].
Original name & rank de Blainville, [H.M.D.] 1828. Dict. Sci. Nat. 55: 344. [false (Marshall, 1980. N.Z. J. Zool. 7: 85)].
Original name & rank Deshayes, G.P. 1832. Ency. Méth. (Vers) 3: 1052.
Subsequent spelling Deshayes, G.-P. 1824[-1837]. Descr. Coq. Foss. Env. Paris 2: [1834] 429; 431 ("Triforis plicatus. Nob."), table (p. 782), atlas (p. 38: "Triforis plicatus. Nob.").
Subsequent publication Agassiz, L. (1846). Nomencl. Zool. (Moll.): 91 ("Desh. Coq. foss. Par. 1830").
Subsequent publication Agassiz, L. 1846[1847]. Nomencl. Zool. (Index Univ.): 377 ("Desm.[Desh.] Moll. 1830. (V. Triphora, Triphoris et Triphorus)"); 378 ("Triphora Menke Moll. 1830. (Scr. Triforis)", "Triphoris Desh. Moll. 1824. (Scr. Triforis)", "Triphorus Swains. Moll. 1840. (Scr. Triforis)").


Emendation (nom. emend.) [ICZN, 1999: Art. 33.2.1[c] (similar names)] Ref: S.J. Brands (comp.), 1989-present. Syst. Nat. 2000: 10 Sep 2021.
Incorrect subsequent spelling (orth. inval.: "orth. null.") [ICZN] Ref: P. Bouchet & J.-P. Rocroi, 2005. Malacologia 47 (1-2): 174 ("[by Deshayes, 1834] of Triphora"). [false (Marshall, 1980. N.Z. J. Zool. 7: 85)].
Unjustified emendation in prevailing usage (-: nom. van. praeval.) [ICZN, 1999: Art.] Ref: S.J. Brands (comp.), 1989-present. Syst. Nat. 2000: 12 Sep 2021.


Type ofTriforinae (Subfamily) Jousseaume, 1884 Ref: V.G. Millard, 1997: 122. [inferred]
Nominotypical taxon [ICZN]Triforis (Subgenus) Deshayes, 1834 Ref: V.G. Millard, 1997: 122. [inferred]
Type, by monotypyTriforis plicatus G.P. Deshayes, 1834 Ref: B.A. Marshall, 1980: 87.


Not Original spellingTriphora (Genus) Blainville, 1828 Ref: P. Bouchet & J.-P. Rocroi, 2005: 174. [false (Marshall, 1980. N.Z. J. Zool. 7: 85)].
Original spellingTriphoris (Genus) Deshayes, 1832 Ref: S.A. Neave (ed.), [2005]: [19 Dec 2008].
Different spellingTriforia (Genus) Martens, 1880 Ref: S.A. Neave (ed.), [2005]: [19 Dec 2008].
Different spellingTryphoris (Genus) Stefani, 1877 Ref: S.A. Neave (ed.), [2005]: [19 Dec 2008].
Not Correct spellingTriphora (Genus) Blainville, 1828 Ref: P. Bouchet & J.-P. Rocroi, 2005: 174. [false (Marshall, 1980. N.Z. J. Zool. 7: 85)].
Not Incorrect spellingTriphora (Genus) Blainville, 1828 Ref: L. Agassiz, 1848: 1091 ("Menke Moll. 1830. (Scr. Triforis [Desm.[Desh.] 1830])"). [false (Marshall, 1980. N.Z. J. Zool. 7: 85)].
Incorrect spellingTriphoris (Genus) Deshayes, 1832 Ref: L. Agassiz, 1848: 1091 ("Desh. Moll. 1824. (Scr. Triforis [Desm.[Desh.] 1830])").
Incorrect spellingTriphorus (Genus) Swainson, 1840, orth. inval. Ref: L. Agassiz, 1848: 1091 ("Swains. Moll. 1840. (Scr. Triforis [Desm.[Desh.] 1830])").
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Last updated: 1 Feb 2024