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Taxon: Genus Prunum Herrmannsen, 1852 (mollusc)


SN2000 author citation (Herrmannsen, 1852)
Unavailable original name Martini, F.W.H. 1774. Verz. Auserl. Samml.: 95, table (p. [154]). ("Pruna"). [Section sub Genus "Cochlides porcellanoides"].
Original name & spelling Herrmannsen, A.N. 1852. Ind. Gen. Malacoz. (Suppl.): 113-114 ("Mart. 1774 Verz. 95, sect. Cochlidis porcellanoidis").
Subsequent rank
Subsequent publication Adams, H. & Adams, A. 1858(1853). Gen. Rec. Moll. 1 [6]: 191 ("Sub-gen. ... Martini").
Incorrect (rank-group) authorship Gmelin, J.F. [1791]. Syst. Nat.) (ed. 13) 1 (6): 3446 ("Prunum").


Available genus-group name with available specific names [ICZN, 1999: Art. 12.2.5 (<1931)] Ref: S.J. Brands (comp.), 1989-present. Syst. Nat. 2000: 5 Oct 2021. [inferred]


Type ofPrunini (Tribe) Coovert & Coovert, 1995 Ref: P. Bouchet & J.-P. Rocroi, 2005: 143.
Type, by monotypyVoluta prunum Gmelin, 1791 Ref: A.N. Herrmannsen, 1852: 114 ("Vol. prunum Gm."). [new]
Type, by absolute tautonymyVoluta prunum Gmelin, 1791 Ref: A.N. Herrmannsen, 1852: 114 ("Vol. prunum Gm."). [new]
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Last updated: 1 Feb 2024