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Taxon: Genus Spiroglutina Mikhalevich, 1983 (protist)


Original name Mikhalevich, 1983. The bottom Foraminifera from the shelves of the tropical Atlantik. Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Leningrad: 100.


Type ofSpiroglutininae (Subfamily) Mikhalevich, 1983 Ref: V. Mikhalevich & M.A. Kaminski, 2008: 159. [inferred]
TypeSpiroglutina asperula (Karrer, 1868) Ref: V.I. Mikhalevich, 2013: 508. [implicit]
TypeSpiroloculina asperula Karrer, 1868 Ref: V.I. Mikhalevich, 2013: 508.


InPsamminopelta (Genus) Tappan, 1957 Ref: V.I. Mikhalevich, 2013: 508. [implicit]
InSigmoilinita (Genus) Seiglie, 1965 Ref: B.W. Hayward et al.: [12 Nov 2015] (Loeblich & Tappan, 1987).
InSpirosigmoilina (Genus) Parr, 1942 Ref: B.W. Hayward et al.: [12 Nov 2015] (Loeblich & Tappan, 1987).
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Last updated: 1 Feb 2024