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Taxon: Species Hebeloma laterinum (Batsch) Vesterh. (2005) (fungus) [unverified]


SN2000 author citation (Batsch) Vesterh., 2005
Original name (Batsch) Vesterh., 2005. Fungi of Northern Europe (Greve) 3: 106.


BasionymAgaricus laterinus Batsch (1789) Ref: [Kirk, P.M.] (ed.), present: [23 Dec 2014].


Synonymous nameAgaricus senescens Batsch (1789) Ref: [Kirk, P.M.] (ed.), present: [23 Dec 2014].
Synonymous nameHebeloma edurum Métrod (1946) Ref: [Kirk, P.M.] (ed.), present: [23 Dec 2014].
Synonymous nameHebeloma edurum Métrod ex Bon (1985) Ref: [Kirk, P.M.] (ed.), present: [23 Dec 2014].
Synonymous nameHebeloma senescens (Batsch) Berk. & Broome (1882) Ref: [Kirk, P.M.] (ed.), present: [23 Dec 2014].
Synonymous nameHebeloma sinapizans (Fr.) Sacc. Ref: [Kirk, P.M.] (ed.), present: [23 Dec 2014].
Synonymous nameHebelomatis edurum Locq. (1979) Ref: [Kirk, P.M.] (ed.), present: [23 Dec 2014].
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Last updated: 1 Feb 2024