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Taxon: Family †Lilpopiaceae Lipiarski (1971) (plant)


SN2000 author citation I. Lipiarski, 1971
Unavailable original name & rank Emberger, L. 1944. Pl. Foss. [ed. 1]: 181 ("Tristachyacées"). [nom. vernac., nom. nud.].
Unavailable original name, rank & spelling Němejc, F. 1950. Sborn. Nár. Mus. Praze (B) 6 (3): 80 ("Tristachyaceae"). [nom. nud.].
Unavailable original name, rank & spelling Boureau, É. (ed.) 1964. Traité de Paléobotanique. Masson et Cie, Paris: 139 ("Famille des Tristachyaceae"). [nom. nud.].
Unavailable original name, rank & spelling Conert, H.J. & Schaarschmidt, F. 1970. Taxon 19 (5): 794 ("nom. nov.", "Synonym: Tristachyaceae Emberger 1944 ... S. 181"). [nom. nud.].
Original name, rank & spelling Lipiarski, I. 1971. Prace Inst. Geol. 58: 30 ("Rodzina"[Family]).
Description/Diagnosis in Polish op. cit.: 30 ("Cechy charakterystyczne rodziny" [Characteristics of the family]).


InSphenophyllaceae (Family) Warm. (1891) Ref: Новіков, А. & Барабаш-Красни, Б. / Novikoff, A. & Barabasz-Krasny, B., 2015: 48.
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Last updated: 1 Feb 2024