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Taxon: Genus †Klukia Racib. (1890) (plant)


SN2000 author citation M. Raciborski, 1891[1890] [foliage]
Unavailable original name Raciborski, M. 1890. Anzeiger Akad. Wiss. Krakau 1890 (1), 4 Feb 1890: 32. [nom. nud.].
Original name, rank & spelling Raciborski, M. 1891[1890]. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 13 (1), [15 Jul 1890]: 5.


Name of a fossil-taxon [ICBN/ICN, 2012: Arts. 1.2, 11.1, 11.7 (part/life-history stage/preservational state)] Ref: E.R. Farr & G. Zijlstra (eds.), 1996-present. ING: 18 Oct 2006 ("Fertile fronds").
Typus non designatus Ref: E.R. Farr & G. Zijlstra (eds.), 1996-present. ING: 18 Oct 2006.


Type ofKlukiaceae (Family) C.F.Reed (1948) Ref: Новіков, А. & Барабаш-Красни, Б. / Novikoff, A. & Barabasz-Krasny, B., 2015: 50. [inferred]
©2004-2024 Universal Taxonomic Services
Last updated: 1 Feb 2024