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Taxon: Species Crocodilus johnsoni Krefft, 1873 (reptile)


SN2000 author citation G. Krefft, 1873
Unavailable original name Krefft, MS. ("Crocodilus johnstoni").
Original name Krefft, G. 1873. Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1873: 335 ("sp. nov.").
Original rank loc. cit.
Original generic combination loc. cit.
Original spelling loc. cit.
Description/Diagnosis in English loc. cit.

Eponymous persons

Johnson: "Mr. Johnson, of Cardwell, Rockingham Bay, Queensland" Ref: G. Krefft, 1873: 335. (""Discovered by Mr. Johnson, of Cardwell, Rockingham Bay, Queensland"")


Correct spellingCrocodylus johnsoni Krefft, 1873 Ref: P. Uetz et al. (eds.), 2016: [4 Apr 2017].
Incorrect spellingCrocodilus johnsonii Gray, 1873 Ref: G. Krefft, 1873: 335. [new] [inferred]
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Last updated: 1 Feb 2024