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Monotypic taxon: Subfamily Mesocestoidinae Railliet, 1893 (flatworm)


SN2000 author citation A. Railliet, 1893, nom. corr.
Original name & rank Railliet, A. 1893. Traité Zool. Méd. Agr., Ed. 2: 310 ("Mésocestoidinés").
Unavailable subsequent spelling Lühe, M. 1894. Zur Morphologie des Taenienscolex. Dissertation Königsberg i. Pr.: 133 pp., 12 figs. [not seen]. [indirect]
Subsequent spelling Stossich, M. 1898.: 111.


Justified emendation of suffix ("orth. corr.") [ICZN, 1999: Art. 34.1 (family)] Ref: S.J. Brands (comp.), 1989-present. Syst. Nat. 2000: 19 Apr 2019.


Nominotypical taxon ofMesocestoididae (Family) Railliet, 1893 Ref: J. Mariaux et al., 2017: table 1 (p. 147). [inferred]
TypeMesocestoides (Genus) Vaillant, 1863 Ref: J. Mariaux et al., 2017: table 1 (p. 147). [inferred]
©2004-2024 Universal Taxonomic Services
Last updated: 1 Feb 2024