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Taxon: Order Tritrichomonadida Cepicka, Hampl & Kulda, 2010 - tritrichomonadids (protozoan)

Concise hierarchy

(Domain) Eukaryota - (Phylum) Metamonada - (Class) Trichomonadea

Original position

Tritrichomonadea (Class) Cepicka, Hampl & Kulda, 2010 Ref: I. Cepicka et al., 2010: 424.

Subsequent positions

Eotrichomonadia (Subclass) Cavalier-Smith, 2012 Ref: T. Cavalier-Smith, 2013(2012): 125, table 1 (p. 121). [implicit]

Original entries

Dientamoebidae (Family) Grassé, 1953 Ref: I. Cepicka et al., 2010: 425.
Monocercomonadidae (Family) Kirby, 1944 Ref: I. Cepicka et al., 2010: 425.
Simplicimonadidae (Family) Cepicka, Hampl & Kulda, 2010 Ref: I. Cepicka et al., 2010: 424.
Tritrichomonadidae (Family) Honigberg, 1963 Ref: I. Cepicka et al., 2010: 424.

Current position

Trichomonadea (Class) Kirby, 1947 Ref: M.A. Ruggiero et al., 2015b: table 2 (p. 9).

Alternative positions

Eotrichomonadia (Subclass) Cavalier-Smith, 2012 Ref: T. Cavalier-Smith, 2013(2012): 125. [new position] [implicit]
Tritrichomonadea (Class) Cepicka, Hampl & Kulda, 2010 Ref: I. Cepicka et al., 2010: table 1 (p. 421). [new taxon]

Historical positions

Trichomonadea (Class) Kirby, 1947 Ref: M.A. Ruggiero et al., 2015b: table 2 (p. 9).
Eotrichomonadia (Subclass) Cavalier-Smith, 2012 Ref: T. Cavalier-Smith, 2013(2012): 125. [new position] [implicit]
Tritrichomonadea (Class) Cepicka, Hampl & Kulda, 2010 Ref: I. Cepicka et al., 2010: 424, table 1 (p. 421). [new taxon]

Number of Subtaxa

2025 Available in Systema Naturae 2000 4f;7g;16s
1989-present Systema Naturae 2000 4f;7g
2013(2012) T. Cavalier-Smith: table 1 (p. 121) [4f]
2010 I. Cepicka et al.: 424 4f;[7g]
©2004-2024 Universal Taxonomic Services
Last updated: 1 Feb 2024