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Taxon: Phylum Chlorophyta Pascher (1914) - green algae (alga)

Concise hierarchy

(Kingdom) Plantae

Subsequent positions

Chloroplastida ([unranked]) S.M. Adl et al., 2005 Ref: S.M. Adl et al., 2005: 421.

Original entries

Chlamydophyceae (Class) H. Ettl (1981)
Chlorophytina (Subphylum) T. Cavalier-Sm. (1998)
Codiolophyceae (Class) P. Kornmann (1973)
Microthamniales (Order) M. Melkonian, in L. Margulis et al., eds. (1990)
Phragmophytina (Subphylum) T. Cavalier-Sm. (1998)

Current position

Viridiplantae (Subkingdom) Caval.-Sm. (1981) Ref: M.A. Ruggiero et al., 2015b: table 2 (p. 28). [implicit]

Alternative positions

Algae ([unranked]) Ref: P.M. Kirk et al., 2008: 600. [implicit]
Chlorobionta (Kingdom) Jeffrey, 1982 Ref: E. Möhn, 1984
chlorobionts ([unranked]) Ref: J.O. Corliss, 1984: abstract.
Chlorophyta (Infrakingdom) Caval.-Sm. (1993) Ref: M.A. Ruggiero et al., 2015b: table 2 (p. 28).
Chloroplastida ([unranked]) S.M. Adl et al., 2005 Ref: S.M. Adl et al., 2005: 421. [inferred rank]
green plants ([unranked]) Ref: E.E. Ruppert et al., 2004: fig. 3.37.
Plantae (Kingdom) Haeckel (1866) Ref: O. Bánki et al., 2023: 17 Aug 2023.
Protista (Kingdom) (Haeckel, 1866) Ref: E.E. Ruppert et al., 2004: 30. [implicit]
Protoctista (Kingdom) Hogg, 1860 Ref: L. Margulis & K.V. Schwartz, 1998: 192-193.
Viridaeplantae (Subkingdom) Cavalier-Sm. (1981) Ref: T.N. Taylor et al., 2009: App. 1 (p. 1027).
Viridiplantae ([unranked]) Cavalier-Smith, 1981 Ref: J. Simons et al., 2010: 62.

Historical positions

Plantae (Kingdom) Haeckel (1866) Ref: T. Rees et al., 2020: table 2 (p. 133).
Chlorophyta (Infrakingdom) Caval.-Sm. (1993) Ref: M.A. Ruggiero et al., 2015b: table 2 (p. 28).
Viridiplantae ([unranked]) Cavalier-Smith, 1981 Ref: F. Leliaert et al., 2012: 7, fig. 3.
Viridiplantae ([unranked]) Cavalier-Smith, 1981 Ref: J. Simons et al., 2010: 62.
Viridaeplantae (Subkingdom) Cavalier-Sm. (1981) Ref: T.N. Taylor et al., 2009: table (p. 123), App. 1 (p. 1027).
Algae ([unranked]) Ref: P.M. Kirk et al., 2008: 600. [implicit]
Chloroplastida ([unranked]) S.M. Adl et al., 2005 Ref: S.M. Adl et al., 2005: 421. [new position]
viridophytes ([unranked]) Ref: C.F. Delwiche et al., 2004: fig. 9.2a. [implicit]
green plants ([unranked]) Ref: E.E. Ruppert et al., 2004: 30, fig. 3.37; 54.
Viridaeplantae (Subkingdom) Cavalier-Sm. (1981) Ref: T. Cavalier-Smith, 2004: 1252.
green plants ([unranked]) Ref: J. Cracraft & M.J. Donoghue, 2004: fig. 9.2a.
Protoctista (Kingdom) Hogg, 1860 Ref: L. Margulis & K.V. Schwartz, 1998: 192-193.
Chlorophyta (Infrakingdom) Caval.-Sm. (1993) Ref: T. Cavalier-Smith, 1998: table 6 (p. 250).
Protoctista (Kingdom) Hogg, 1860 Ref: M. Melkonian, 1990: xiv, 597-599.
chlorobionts ([unranked]) Ref: J.O. Corliss, 1984: abstract.
Plantae (Kingdom) Haeckel (1866) Ref: R.C. van Caenegem et al., 1979-1984
Chlorobionta (Kingdom) Jeffrey, 1982 Ref: E. Möhn, 1984
Protoctista (Kingdom) Hogg, 1860 Ref: L. Margulis & K.V. Schwartz, 1982: 102-103.
Viridiplantae (Kingdom) Caval.-Sm. (1981) Ref: T. Cavalier-Smith, 1981
Plantae (Kingdom) Haeckel (1866) Ref: R.H. Whittaker, 1969

Number of Subtaxa

2024 Available in Systema Naturae 2000 6c;27o;76f;608g;2514s;16ss;338v; †2o;4f;2g;1s
1989-present Systema Naturae 2000 [8c];3961s
2020 T. Rees et al.: table 2 (p. 133) 1,969*ng;1,144[-1,518]*g; †18.5%g
1996-present M.D. Guiry & G.M. Guiry: 30 Jul 2008 [8c];3961s
1998 T. Cavalier-Smith [2sp]
1990 M. Melkonian 4c;28o
1982 L. Margulis & K.V. Schwartz 9c7,000s
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Last updated: 1 Feb 2024