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Taxon: Phylum "Planctomycetes" Garrity and Holt 2001 (prokaryote)

Concise hierarchy

(Domain) Bacteria

Current position

Planctomycetes-Verrucomicrobia-Chlamydiae (PVC) (Superphylum) Wagner and Horn 2006 Ref: D.H. Parks et al., 2017: fig. 2.

Alternative positions

Bacteria (Kingdom) Cavalier-Smith 2002 Ref: T. Rees et al., 2020: table 2 (p. 133).
Bacteria (Domain) Woese et al. 1990 Ref: K. Anantharaman et al., 2016: fig. 2.
Negibacteria (Subkingdom) Cavalier-Smith 2002 Ref: M.A. Ruggiero et al., 2015b: table 2 (p. 4).

Historical positions

Bacteria (Kingdom) Cavalier-Smith 2002 Ref: T. Rees et al., 2020: table 2 (p. 133).
PVC (Superphylum) Wagner and Horn 2006 Ref: D.H. Parks et al., 2017: fig. 2.
Bacteria (Domain) Woese et al. 1990 Ref: K. Anantharaman et al., 2016: fig. 2.
Bacteria (Domain) Woese et al. 1990 Ref: J.P. Euzéby, 2016: [30 Aug 2017].
PVC (Superphylum) Wagner and Horn 2006 Ref: L.A. Hug et al., 2016: fig. 1.
Negibacteria (Subkingdom) Cavalier-Smith 2002 Ref: M.A. Ruggiero et al., 2015b: table 2 (p. 4).
PVC (Superphylum) Wagner and Horn 2006 Ref: C. Rinke et al., 2013: fig. 2.
Bacteria (Domain) Woese et al. 1990 Ref: G.M. Garrity et al., 2007: 540.
Bacteria (Domain) Woese et al. 1990 Ref: G.M. Garrity et al., 2001b: 24. [new taxon]

Number of Subtaxa

2025 Available in Systema Naturae 2000 2c;3o;3f;18g;18s
1989-present Systema Naturae 2000 1c;1o;1f;9g;14s
2020 T. Rees et al.: table 2 (p. 133) 29ng;24g; †0g
2016 J.P. Euzéby: [9 Sep 2017] [2c;3o;3f;18g]
2015b M.A. Ruggiero et al.: table 2 (p. 4) [2c;2o]
2007 G.M. Garrity et al. [1c;1o;1f;6g;11s]
2001b G.M. Garrity et al.: 24 [1c;1o;1f;4g]
2000 1c1o1f4g
©2004-2024 Universal Taxonomic Services
Last updated: 1 Feb 2024