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Taxon: Class "Urediniomycetes" D. Hawksw., B. Sutton & Ainsw. (1995), nom. inval. (fungus)

Concise hierarchy

(Kingdom) Fungi - (Phylum) Basidiomycota

Current position

Basidiomycota (Phylum) R.T.Moore (1980) Ref: P.M. Kirk et al., 2001: 623.

Alternative positions

Fungi ([unranked]) L. (1753) Ref: S.M. Adl et al., 2005: 406. [inferred rank]

Historical positions

Fungi ([unranked]) L. (1753) Ref: S.M. Adl et al., 2005: 406.
Basidiomycota (Phylum) R.T.Moore (1980) Ref: P.M. Kirk et al., 2001: 544; 569, 623.

Number of Subtaxa

1989-present Systema Naturae 2000 [6o];25[26]f;195g;8057s
2001 P.M. Kirk et al.: 544 5[7]o;25[27]f;195[219]g;8057s
©2004-2024 Universal Taxonomic Services
Last updated: 1 Feb 2024