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Taxon: Family Psilotaceae J.W.Griff. & Henfr. (1855) (plant)
Classification by:

plants Haeckel (1866) - plants
   Division Charophyta Migula (1889) - charophyte algae and embryophytes see charophytes
     Subdivision [Streptophytina] see [unranked] Streptophytina Lewis & McCourt (2004)
       Class Equisetopsida C.Agardh (1825) - horsetails see Subclass Equisetidae Warm. (1883)
         Vascular Plants see Phylum Tracheophyta Sinnott ex Caval.-Sm. (1998)
             Subclass Ophioglossidae Klinge (1882)
               Order Psilotales Prantl (1884) [monotypic]
                 Family Psilotaceae J.W.Griff. & Henfr. (1855) - whisk ferns
                   1 Genus Psilotum Sw. (1801)
                   2 Genus Tmesipteris Bernh. (1801)

©2004-2024 Universal Taxonomic Services
Last updated: 1 Feb 2024