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Taxon: Genus Aphonopelma Pocock, 1901 (arachnid)
Classification by:

Natura - nature
   actualia - actual entities
     Mundus Plinius - physical world
       naturalia - natural bodies
         [crown] Clade Biota Wagner 2004 [Wiemann, de Queiroz, Rowe, Planavsky, Anderson, Gogarten, Turner & Gauthier 2020]
           Clade neomura Cavalier-Smith, 1987
             Domain Eukaryota Chatton, 1925 - eukaryotes
               Clade discaria Cavalier-Smith, 2021
                 Clade dorsates Cavalier-Smith, 2021
                   Clade podiates Cavalier-Smith, 2012
                     [crown] Clade Amorphea Adl et al. 2012 [Simpson, Medina & Adl 2020]
                       [crown] Clade Obazoa Brown, Sharpe, Silberman, Heiss, Lang, Simpson & Roger 2013
                         [crown] Clade Opisthokonta Cavalier-Smith 1987 [Simpson & Medina 2020] - animal-fungal clade
                           Superkingdom Holozoa Lang, O'Kelly, Nerad, Gray & Burger, 2002
                             Clade filozoa Shalchian-Tabrizi, Minge, Espelund, Orr, Ruden, Jakobsen & Cavalier-Smith, 2008
                               Kingdom Animalia Linnaeus, 1758 - animals
                                 Clade Planulozoa Wallberg, Thollesson, Farris & Jondelius 2004
                                   Subkingdom Bilateria Hatschek, 1888 - bilaterians
                                     Clade Nephrozoa Jondelius, Ruiz-Trillo, Baguñà & Riutort 2002
                                       Infrakingdom Protostomia Grobben, 1908
                                         Superphylum Ecdysozoa Aguinaldo, Turbeville, Linford, Rivera, Garey, Raff & Lake, 1997
                                           Panarthropoda Nielsen, 1995 - panarthropods
                                             Tactopoda Budd, 2001
                                               Phylum Arthropoda Siebold, 1848 - arthropods
                                                   Subphylum Chelicerata Heymons, 1901
                                                     Euchelicerata Weygoldt & Paulus, 1979
                                                       Prosomapoda Lamsdell, 2013
                                                         Planaterga Lamsdell, 2013
                                                           Dekatriata Lamsdell, 2013
                                                             Sclerophorata Kamenz, Staude & Dunlop, 2011
                                                               Class Arachnida Lamarck, 1801
                                                                 Micrura Hansen & Sørensen, 1904
                                                                   Pantetrapulmonata Shultz, 2007
                                                                     Tetrapulmonata Shultz, 1990
                                                                       Serikodiastida Garwood & Dunlop, 2014
                                                                         Order Araneae Clerck, 1757 - spiders
                                                                           Suborder Opisthothelae Pocock, 1892 - modern spiders
                                                                             Infraorder Mygalomorphae Pocock, 1892
                                                                                     Superfamily Theraphosoidea
                                                                                       Family Theraphosidae Thorell, 1870 - tarantulas and bird spiders
                                                                                         Genus Aphonopelma Pocock, 1901
                                                                                           Aphonopelma aberrans (Chamberlin, 1917)
                                                                                           Aphonopelma anax (Chamberlin, 1940)
                                                                                           Aphonopelma anitahoffmannae Locht et al., 2005
                                                                                           Aphonopelma apacheum Chamberlin, 1940
                                                                                           Aphonopelma armada (Chamberlin, 1940)
                                                                                           Aphonopelma arnoldi Smith, 1995
                                                                                           Aphonopelma baergi Chamberlin, 1940
                                                                                           Aphonopelma behlei Chamberlin, 1940
                                                                                           Aphonopelma bicoloratum Struchen et al., 1996
                                                                                           Aphonopelma bistriatum (C.L. Koch, 1838)
                                                                                           Aphonopelma braunshausenii Tesmoingt, 1996
                                                                                           Aphonopelma breenei Smith, 1995
                                                                                           Aphonopelma brunnius Chamberlin, 1940
                                                                                           Aphonopelma burica Valerio, 1980
                                                                                           Aphonopelma caniceps (Simon, 1891)
                                                                                           Aphonopelma chalcodes Chamberlin, 1940
                                                                                           Aphonopelma chamberlini Smith, 1995
                                                                                           Aphonopelma chambersi Smith, 1995
                                                                                           Aphonopelma clarki Smith, 1995
                                                                                           Aphonopelma clarum Chamberlin, 1940
                                                                                           Aphonopelma coloradanum (Chamberlin, 1940)
                                                                                           Aphonopelma cookei Smith, 1995
                                                                                           Aphonopelma cratium Chamberlin, 1940
                                                                                           Aphonopelma crinirufum (Valerio, 1980)
                                                                                           Aphonopelma crinitum (Pocock, 1901)
                                                                                           Aphonopelma cryptethum Chamberlin, 1940
                                                                                           Aphonopelma duplex (Chamberlin, 1925)
                                                                                           Aphonopelma echinum (Chamberlin, 1940)
                                                                                           Aphonopelma eustathes (Chamberlin, 1940)
                                                                                           Aphonopelma eutylenum Chamberlin, 1940
                                                                                           Aphonopelma gabeli Smith, 1995
                                                                                           Aphonopelma geotoma (Chamberlin, 1937)
                                                                                           Aphonopelma gertschi Smith, 1995
                                                                                           Aphonopelma griseum Chamberlin, 1940
                                                                                           Aphonopelma gurleyi Smith, 1995
                                                                                           Aphonopelma hageni (Strand, 1906)
                                                                                           Aphonopelma harlingenum (Chamberlin, 1940)
                                                                                           Aphonopelma helluo (Simon, 1891)
                                                                                           Aphonopelma hentzi (Girard, 1852)
                                                                                           Aphonopelma hesperum (Chamberlin, 1917)
                                                                                           Aphonopelma heterops Chamberlin, 1940
                                                                                           Aphonopelma hollyi Smith, 1995
                                                                                           Aphonopelma iodius (Chamberlin & Ivie, 1939)
                                                                                           Aphonopelma iviei Smith, 1995
                                                                                           Aphonopelma joshua Prentice, 1997
                                                                                           Aphonopelma jungi Smith, 1995
                                                                                           Aphonopelma lanceolatum (Simon, 1891)
                                                                                           Aphonopelma latens (Chamberlin, 1917)
                                                                                           Aphonopelma levii Smith, 1995
                                                                                           Aphonopelma lithodomum Chamberlin, 1940
                                                                                           Aphonopelma marxi (Simon, 1891)
                                                                                           Aphonopelma minchi Smith, 1995
                                                                                           Aphonopelma moderatum (Chamberlin & Ivie, 1939)
                                                                                           Aphonopelma mojave Prentice, 1997
                                                                                           Aphonopelma mooreae Smith, 1995
                                                                                           Aphonopelma mordax (Ausserer, 1871)
                                                                                           Aphonopelma nayaritum Chamberlin, 1940
                                                                                           Aphonopelma odelli Smith, 1995
                                                                                           Aphonopelma pallidum (F.O. P.-Cambridge, 1897)
                                                                                           Aphonopelma paloma Prentice, 1993
                                                                                           Aphonopelma pedatum (Strand, 1907)
                                                                                           Aphonopelma phanum Chamberlin, 1940
                                                                                           Aphonopelma phasmus Chamberlin, 1940
                                                                                           Aphonopelma platnicki Smith, 1995
                                                                                           Aphonopelma prosoicum Chamberlin, 1940
                                                                                           Aphonopelma punzoi Smith, 1995
                                                                                           Aphonopelma radinum (Chamberlin & Ivie, 1939)
                                                                                           Aphonopelma reversum Chamberlin, 1940
                                                                                           Aphonopelma rothi Smith, 1995
                                                                                           Aphonopelma rubropilosum (Ausserer, 1871)
                                                                                           Aphonopelma ruedanum Chamberlin, 1940
                                                                                           Aphonopelma rusticum (Simon, 1891)
                                                                                           Aphonopelma sandersoni Smith, 1995
                                                                                           Aphonopelma schmidti Smith, 1995
                                                                                           Aphonopelma sclerothrix (Valerio, 1980)
                                                                                           Aphonopelma seemanni (F.O. P.-Cambridge, 1897)
                                                                                           Aphonopelma serratum (Simon, 1891)
                                                                                           Aphonopelma smithi Smith, 1995
                                                                                           Aphonopelma stahnkei Smith, 1995
                                                                                           Aphonopelma steindachneri (Ausserer, 1875)
                                                                                           Aphonopelma stoicum (Chamberlin, 1925)
                                                                                           Aphonopelma sullivani Smith, 1995
                                                                                           Aphonopelma texense (Simon, 1891)
                                                                                           Aphonopelma truncatum (F.O. P.-Cambridge, 1897)
                                                                                           Aphonopelma vogelae Smith, 1995
                                                                                           Aphonopelma vorhiesi (Chamberlin & Ivie, 1939)
                                                                                           Aphonopelma waconum (Chamberlin, 1940)
                                                                                           Aphonopelma wichitanum (Chamberlin, 1940)
                                                                                           Aphonopelma xanthochromum (Valerio, 1980)
                                                                                           Aphonopelma zionis Chamberlin, 1940

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Last updated: 1 Feb 2024