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Taxon: Order Isobryales (plant)
Classification by:

living organisms see Clade Biota Wagner 2004 [Wiemann, de Queiroz, Rowe, Planavsky, Anderson, Gogarten, Turner & Gauthier 2020]
   Superkingdom Eukaryotae see Domain Eukaryota Chatton, 1925
     Kingdom Plantae Haeckel (1866) - plants
       Subkingdom Embryobionta Cronquist, Takht. & W.Zimm.
         Division Bryophyta A.Braun (1864) - mosses and liverworts see Phylum Bryophyta A.Braun (1864)
           Class Bryopsida McClatchie (1897) - mosses
             Subclass Bryidae Engl. (1892) - mosses
               Superorder Diplolepideae see Class Bryopsida McClatchie (1897)
                 Order Isobryales see Order Hypnales W.R. Buck & Vitt
                   01 Family Fontinalaceae Schimp.
                   01 Family Fontinaliaceae see Family Fontinalaceae Schimp.
                   02 Family Hydropogonaceae W.H. Welch see Family Sematophyllaceae Broth. (1905), nom. cons.
                   03 Family Wardiaceae W.H. Welch see Family Dicranaceae Schimp.
                   04 Family Climaciaceae Kindb.
                   05 Family Leskeaceae Schimp.
                   06 Family Fabroniaceae Schimp.
                   07 Family Cryphaeaceae Schimp.
                   08 Family Leucodontaceae Schimp.
                   09 Family Regmatodontaceae Broth.
                   10 Family Hedwigiaceae Schimp.
                   11 Family Cyrtopodaceae M. Fleisch. see Family Hypnodendraceae Broth.
                   12 Family Prionodontaceae Broth.
                   13 Family Lepyrodontaceae Broth.
                   14 Family Rutenbergiaceae M. Fleisch.
                   15 Family Trachypodaceae see Family Meteoriaceae Kindb.
                   16 Family Pterobryaceae Kindb.
                   17 Family Meteoriaceae Kindb.
                   18 Family Ptychomniaceae M. Fleisch. (1908)
                   19 Family Neckeraceae Schimp.
                   20 Family Phyllogoniaceae Kindb.

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Last updated: 1 Feb 2024