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Taxon: Family Meteoriaceae Kindb. (plant)
Classification by:

Kingdom Chlorobiota C.Jeffrey ex Doweld (2001) - plants see Subkingdom Viridiplantae Caval.-Sm. (1981)
   Subkingdom Bryobiotina Campb. (1890)
     Division Bryophyta A.Braun (1864) - mosses and liverworts see Phylum Bryophyta A.Braun (1864)
       Subdivision Bryophytina Engl. (1892) see Subphylum Bryophytina Engl. (1892)
         Class Bryopsida McClatchie (1897) - mosses
           Subclass Bryidae Engl. (1892) - mosses
             Superorder Hypnanae W.R.Buck & Goffinet ex W.R. Buck, C.J. Cox, A.J. Shaw & Goffinet (2005)
               Order Hypnales W.R. Buck & Vitt
                 Family Meteoriaceae Kindb.
                   01 Genus Aerobryidium M. Fleisch.
                   02 Genus Aerobryopsis M.Fleisch. (1905)
                   03 Genus Barbella M.Fleisch. ex Broth. (1906)
                   04 Genus Barbellopsis Broth. (1929)
                   05 Genus Chrysocladium M.Fleisch. (1907)
                   06 Genus Cryptopapillaria M. Menzel
                   07 Genus Diaphanodon Renauld & Cardot (1895)
                   08 Genus Duthiella Müll.Hal. ex Broth. (1908)
                   09 Genus Floribundaria M.Fleisch. (1905)
                   10 Genus Lepyrodontopsis Broth. (1925)
                   11 Genus Meteoriopsis M.Fleisch. ex Broth. (1906)
                   12 Genus Meteorium (Brid.) Dozy & Molk. (1848)
                   13 Genus Neodicladiella W.R.Buck
                   14 Genus Neonoguchia S.H. Lin
                   15 Genus Pseudospiridentopsis (Broth.) M.Fleisch. (1908)
                   16 Genus Pseudotrachypus P. de la Varde & Thér.
                   17 Genus Sinskea W.R.Buck
                   18 Genus Toloxis W.R.Buck
                   19 Genus Trachycladiella (M. Fleisch.) M. Menzel & W. Schultze-Motel
                   20 Genus Trachypodopsis M.Fleisch. (1906)
                   21 Genus Trachypus Reinw. & Hornsch. (1829)

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Last updated: 1 Feb 2024