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Taxon: Family Neckeraceae Schimp. (plant)
Classification by:

Kingdom Chlorobiota C.Jeffrey ex Doweld (2001) - plants see Subkingdom Viridiplantae Caval.-Sm. (1981)
   Subkingdom Bryobiotina Campb. (1890)
     Division Bryophyta A.Braun (1864) - mosses and liverworts see Phylum Bryophyta A.Braun (1864)
       Subdivision Bryophytina Engl. (1892) see Subphylum Bryophytina Engl. (1892)
         Class Bryopsida McClatchie (1897) - mosses
           Subclass Bryidae Engl. (1892) - mosses
             Superorder Hypnanae W.R.Buck & Goffinet ex W.R. Buck, C.J. Cox, A.J. Shaw & Goffinet (2005)
               Order Hypnales W.R. Buck & Vitt
                 Family Neckeraceae Schimp.
                   01 Genus Alleniella S. Olsson, Enroth & D. Quandt (2011)
                   02 Genus Baldwiniella Broth. ex M.Fleisch. (1906)
                   03 Genus Bryolawtonia D.H. Norris & Enroth
                   04 Genus Caduciella Enroth
                   05 Genus Circulifolium S. Olsson, Enroth & D. Quandt
                   06 Genus Crassiphyllum Ochyra
                   07 Genus Cryptoleptodon Renauld & Cardot (1899)
                   08 Genus Curvicladium Enroth (1993)
                   09 Genus Dixonia Horik. & Ando (1964)
                   10 Genus Dolichomitra Lindb. ex Broth. (1906)
                   11 Genus Echinodiopsis S. Olsson, Enroth & D. Quandt (2011)
                   12 Genus Exsertotheca S. Olsson, Enroth & D. Quandt (2011)
                   13 Genus Handeliobryum Broth. (1925)
                   14 Genus Himantocladium (Mitt.) M.Fleisch. (1908)
                   15 Genus Homalia Brid. (1827), nom. cons., orth. cons.
                   16 Genus Homaliodendron M.Fleisch. (1906)
                   17 Genus Hydrocryphaea Dixon (1931)
                   18 Genus Isodrepanium (Mitt.) E.Britton (1914)
                   19 Genus Metaneckera Steere (1967)
                   20 Genus Neckera Hedw. (1801), nom. cons.
                   21 Genus Neckeropsis Reichardt (1870)
                   22 Genus Neomacounia Ireland (1974)
                   23 Genus Noguchiodendron Ninh & Pócs (1981)
                   24 Genus Orthostichella Müll.Hal.
                   25 Genus Pendulothecium Enroth & S. He
                   26 Genus Pinnatella M.Fleisch. (1906)
                   27 Genus Porotrichodendron M.Fleisch. (1908)
                   28 Genus Porotrichopsis Broth. & Herzog (1916)
                   29 Genus Porotrichum (Brid.) Hampe (1863)
                   30 Genus Shevockia Enroth & M.C.Ji (2006)
                   31 Genus Thamnobryum Nieuwl. (1917)
                   32 Genus Thamnomalia S. Olsson, Enroth & D. Quandt (2011)
                   33 Genus Touwia Ochyra

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Last updated: 1 Feb 2024