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Taxon: Family Plagiotheciaceae M. Fleisch. (plant)
Classification by:

Kingdom Chlorobiota C.Jeffrey ex Doweld (2001) - plants see Subkingdom Viridiplantae Caval.-Sm. (1981)
   Subkingdom Bryobiotina Campb. (1890)
     Division Bryophyta A.Braun (1864) - mosses and liverworts see Phylum Bryophyta A.Braun (1864)
       Subdivision Bryophytina Engl. (1892) see Subphylum Bryophytina Engl. (1892)
         Class Bryopsida McClatchie (1897) - mosses
           Subclass Bryidae Engl. (1892) - mosses
             Superorder Hypnanae W.R.Buck & Goffinet ex W.R. Buck, C.J. Cox, A.J. Shaw & Goffinet (2005)
               Order Hypnales W.R. Buck & Vitt
                 Family Plagiotheciaceae M. Fleisch.
                   1 Genus Herzogiella Broth. (1925)
                   2 Genus Isopterygiopsis Z.Iwats. (1970)
                   3 Genus Myurella Bruch & Schimp. (1853)
                   4 Genus Orthothecium Schimp. (1851), nom. cons.
                   5 Genus Plagiothecium Bruch & Schimp. (1852)
                   6 Genus Platydictya Berk. (1863)
                   7 Genus Pseudotaxiphyllum Z. Iwats.
                   8 Genus Rectithecium Hedenäs & Huttunen (2013)
                   9 Genus Struckia Müll.Hal. (1893)

©2004-2024 Universal Taxonomic Services
Last updated: 1 Feb 2024