plants Haeckel (1866) - plants Division Charophyta Migula (1889) - charophyte algae and embryophytes see charophytes Subdivision [Streptophytina] see [unranked] Streptophytina Lewis & McCourt (2004) Class Equisetopsida C.Agardh (1825) - horsetails see Subclass Equisetidae Warm. (1883) Vascular Plants see Phylum Tracheophyta Sinnott ex Caval.-Sm. (1998) Subclass Lycopodiidae Bek. (1863) - clubmosses and quillworts see Class Lycopodiopsida Bartl. (1830) Order Isoetales Prantl (1874) [monotypic] - quillworts see Order Isoëtales Prantl (1874) Family Isoetaceae Rchb. (1828) see Family Isoëtaceae Rchb. (1828) Genus Isoetes L. (1753) see Genus Isoëtes L. (1753)