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Taxon: Pilidiophora Thollesson & Norenburg, 2003 (invertebrate)

Concise hierarchy

(Kingdom) Animalia - (Phylum) Nemertea

Defined by included taxon (and all taxa more closely related to it than to the excluded taxon)

Heteronemertea ([unranked]) Ref: M. Thollesson & J.L. Norenburg, 2003: 414.
Hubrechtella (Genus) Bergendal, 1902 Ref: M. Thollesson & J.L. Norenburg, 2003: 414.

Defined by excluded taxon

Carinoma (Genus) Oudemans, 1885 Ref: M. Thollesson & J.L. Norenburg, 2003: 414.
Hoplonemertea ([unranked]) Hubrecht, 1879 Ref: M. Thollesson & J.L. Norenburg, 2003: 414.

Included, by definition, in node-based clade

Neonemertea ([unranked]) Thollesson & Norenburg, 2003 Ref: M. Thollesson & J.L. Norenburg, 2003: 414. [implicit]
Neonemertea ([unranked]) Thollesson & Norenburg, 2003 Ref: M. Thollesson & J.L. Norenburg, 2003: 414. [implicit]

Original position

Neonemertea ([unranked]) Thollesson & Norenburg, 2003 Ref: M. Thollesson & J.L. Norenburg, 2003: fig. 1.

Subsequent entries

Heteronemertea ([unranked]) Ref: M. Thollesson & J.L. Norenburg, 2003: 414, fig. 1.
Hubrechtella (Genus) Bergendal, 1902 Ref: M. Thollesson & J.L. Norenburg, 2003: 414, fig. 1.
Hubrechtidae (Family) Ref: M. Thollesson & J.L. Norenburg, 2003: table 1 (p. 409). [implicit]

Current position

Neonemertea ([unranked]) Thollesson & Norenburg, 2003 Ref: M. Thollesson & J.L. Norenburg, 2003: 407. [new taxon]

Historical positions

Neonemertea ([unranked]) Thollesson & Norenburg, 2003 Ref: M. Thollesson & J.L. Norenburg, 2003: 414, fig. 1. [new taxon]

Number of Subtaxa

2024 Available in Systema Naturae 2000 1o;7f;55g;98s
1989-present Systema Naturae 2000 [1o;7f;55g]
©2004-2024 Universal Taxonomic Services
Last updated: 1 Feb 2024