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Taxon: Family Felidae Batsch, 1788 - cats (mammal)

Concise hierarchy

(Kingdom) Animalia - (Phylum) Chordata - (Class) Mammalia - (Order) Carnivora

Subsequent positions

Feliformia (Suborder) Kretzoi, 1945

Original entries

Questionably Acinonychinae (Subfamily) Pocock, 1917
Questionably Felinae (Subfamily) Batsch, 1788
Questionably Machairodontinae (Subfamily) Gill, 1872
Questionably Pantherinae (Subfamily) Pocock, 1917
Questionably Proailurinae (Subfamily) Zittel, 1893

Subsequent entries

Mustelina (Tribe) Batsch, 1788 Ref: J.E. Gray, 1825b: 339.

Current position

Feloidea (Infraorder) "Batsch, 1788" Ref: C.J. Burgin et al., 2020: table 2 (p. 27).

Alternative positions

Aeluroidea (Infraorder) Flower, 1869 Ref: M.J. Benton, 2015: 445.
Aeluroidea (Superfamily) Flower, 1869 Ref: R.L. Carroll, 1988: 633.
Carnivora (Order) Bowdich, 1821 Ref: W.C. Wozencraft, 1993: 288.
Feliforma (Suborder) Ref: A.F. DeBlase, 1982: 1044.
Feliformia (Suborder) Kretzoi, 1945 Ref: D.E. Wilson & D.M. Reeder, 2011: 59.
Feloidea (Superfamily) Batsch, 1788

Historical positions

Feloidea (Infraorder) "Batsch, 1788" Ref: C.J. Burgin et al., 2020: table 2 (p. 27).
Aeluroidea (Infraorder) Flower, 1869 Ref: M.J. Benton, 2015: 445.
Feliformia (Suborder) Kretzoi, 1945 Ref: D.E. Wilson & D.M. Reeder, 2011: 59.
Aeluroidea (Infraorder) Flower, 1869 Ref: M.J. Benton, 2005: 402.
Feliformia (Suborder) Kretzoi, 1945 Ref: W.C. Wozencraft, 2005: 532.
Feliformia (Suborder) Kretzoi, 1945 Ref: M.C. McKenna & S.K. Bell, 1997: 230.
Feliformia (Suborder) Kretzoi, 1945 Ref: A. Turner, 1997
Carnivora (Order) Bowdich, 1821 Ref: 1995
Carnivora (Order) Bowdich, 1821 Ref: W.C. Wozencraft, 1993: 288; 5.
Carnivora (Order) Bowdich, 1821 Ref: G.B. Corbet & J.E. Hill, 1991: 113.
Mammalia (Class) Linnaeus, 1758 Ref: R.C. Brusca & G.J. Brusca, 1990 [indirect]
Aeluroidea (Superfamily) Flower, 1869 Ref: R.L. Carroll, 1988: 633.
Feliforma (Suborder) Ref: A.F. DeBlase, 1982: 1044.
Fissipedia (Suborder) (Blumenbach, 1791) Ref: T.I. Storer et al., 1979
Cynofeloidea (Superfamily) Ref: B. Grzimek, 1973-1975

Number of Subtaxa

2024 Available in Systema Naturae 2000 14g;41s;203ss;41v; ‡6ss; †27g;26s;5ss
1989-present Systema Naturae 2000: 26 Nov 2014 [14g;41s;203ss; †27g]
2011 D.E. Wilson & D.M. Reeder: 59 14g;40s
2005 W.C. Wozencraft: 548 [14g;40s;208ss; ‡3ss]
1997 A. Turner 1sf; †1sf3t
1997 M.C. McKenna & S.K. Bell [4g; †27g]
1993 W.C. Wozencraft 18g;36s
1991 G.B. Corbet & J.E. Hill [5g];~36[37]s
1982 A.F. DeBlase 19g;[37s]
©2004-2024 Universal Taxonomic Services
Last updated: 1 Feb 2024