Natura - nature actualia - actual entities Mundus Plinius - physical world Astra Plinius - celestial bodies Universe (Supercluster) Virgo-Hydra-Centaurus Supercluster (Supercluster) Virgo Supercluster (Cluster) Local Group (Galaxy) Milky Way Galaxy veter. (Spiral arm) Orion Arm (Region) Local Bubble Local Interstellar Cloud (Planetary system) Solar System (Planet-satellite system) Earth System (Planet) Earth veter. "spheres" (Earth) (Sphere) Biosphere (Earth) - zone of life "terrestrial and freshwater ecoregions" (Biogeographic realm) Indo-Malay (Ecoregion complex) Naga-Manupuri-Chin Hills Moist Forests (Indo-Malay) (Terrestrial ecoregion) Northern Triangle subtropical forests (Indo-Malay)